What's this all about then?

This is a diary of our trip to Italy and the UK in May/June 2012. Somewhere to put our activities and some pictures.
We don't want to forget anything!

Tuesday, 5 June 2012 - I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside

It dawned grey and cold, well I'm sure it would have been if we had got up at dawn.  So what else to do on such a horrible morning?  What else but show our English heritage and go for a day at the seaside.  Actually Whitby was on our list of destinations and today was the day.

Of we set, finding Whitby, and another expensive car park, without too much trouble.  We walked along the waterfront, admiring the boats (including a flash looking trawler named 'This Way Up').  We made our way past some shops and down a cute old street to the James Cook Museum - we had to go there. It was very well done and very interesting.

After that we decided to do lunch and try the Fish and Chips from the famous Magpie Cafe.  So we queued for about an hour to get them.  They were definitely worth the wait.
mmmm Fish and Chips and Mushy Peas

After another wander around we departed Whitby and headed down the coast to see Robin Hood's Bay.  That was picturesque, and we found a nice Cafe as well.  It's a steep walk down to the bottom.  Of course it's even steeper coming back up.

At the bottom of Robin Hood's Bay, another pub we didn't go into.
Back home to Pickering, going via Scarborough, but we didn't stop there.

Tricia's Diary said:
Visit to Whitby.  Fish and chips from Magpie Cafe.  Went to Robin Hood's Bay.  Very steep.  Cold weather.

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