What's this all about then?

This is a diary of our trip to Italy and the UK in May/June 2012. Somewhere to put our activities and some pictures.
We don't want to forget anything!

Wednesday, 6 June 2012 - York

Today was also a little grey.  I should stop saying that as almost every day from here on in turned out to be grey.

The 'fake' East Window
Today was the day we decided to visit York,  Tricia and I had spent a day here in 2002 and enjoyed it, so we planned a return.  We did the same thing as we did 10 years earlier  drove to a Park and Ride location and took the bus into York.  Easy and convenient.  Turned out it was the same location as we had been to previously.  I think we missed the right bus stop, but we were in York and able to walk so it didn't matter.   We slowly made our way to York Minster (more deja vu).  This time we caught a free tour which, as always, was very interesting.  It's stunningly beautiful, and you can see the same designers at work here as had been in Italy.  A lot of 600 year old stained glass in this one though.  Although one of the most important windows was out for repair, which will take several years.  They had a cunning black backdrop with the original projected onto it so you could see what it was like.  They were also preparing for a charity dinner and were laying turf (yes real grass) in the main area.  Quite surreal.  We came out of the Minster to blue skies - amazing.

Walked through York, past the Shambles which was so full of tourists that we didn't go down it - shame really (ah well next time).  We made our way to the National Railway Museum (NRM) which was amazing, although the two ladies couldn't really see why.  Came out and found our way back to a bus stop, back to the car and back to Pickering.
At the NRM.  LARGE locomotive built in the UK for China

Tricia's diary had this to say:
Visited York, took P+R bus.  Had guided tour of York Minster.  Visited Train Museum.

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