What's this all about then?

This is a diary of our trip to Italy and the UK in May/June 2012. Somewhere to put our activities and some pictures.
We don't want to forget anything!

Wednesday, 23 May 2012 - Siena (brown)

One of our planned destinations was Siena.  Today was the day, so armed with the knowledge of where the best car parks were (no free ones this time) we set off.  Found our car park OK - big municipal parking building near a University.  So after memorising its location we set of into the city.  It was a bigger version of the old towns we had seen so far - bigger streets and bigger buildings.  We noticed that each of these towns and cities, although being similar, all had points of difference.  Slight variations on building materials and buildings.  Siena had a brown colour - even the outdoor canvas awnings were all done in the same shade of brown.  I guess you are not allowed to slap a coat of pink paint on your house here.

We made our way into the Piazza del Campo - where they hold the bareback horse races around the cobbled square twice a year.  Sadly we missed by a couple of months, but I guess it would have been a bit busy.  Some grand buildings in the Piazza, the Palazzo Pubblico, and the big tower next to it - Torre del Mangia.  We had a good walk around, watched the people, including a wedding - undoubtedly an expensive one in the Palazzo Pubblico.  It's weird but we had seen two wedding parties in Rome (at the Trevi fountain) and we came across one in the UK as well.  I have quite a portfolio of wedding pictures.  We went shopping in the souvenir shops like good tourists.  Tricia bought an 'I love Siena' mug, not even written in Italian!  At least I went traditional and bought some Panforte which was quite delicious - and is made in Siena.

We then dawdled around and found the Duomo di Siena and the Cathedral.  By now we were a bit blase with beautiful churches so, because they had the cheek to ask for an entrance fee, we just looked at the outside.  Shame really - I bet it was beautiful.  Amazing to think that many of these buildings were built in the 1200s.  Anyway it was now early in the afternoon so we found our way back to a bakery and bought some delectable goodies.  Hmmmm pastries....  Mike found a Gelataria as well - he's good at that.  From there we shuffled back to the car and made our way back to Montepulciano.  Getting used to the driving now.  Still a bit scary but we couldn't do this trip without a car, and I'd do it the same if/when we do it again.

Tricia summed it up as:
Cloudy morning, few showers then fine.  We drove to Siena today, quite  a big place.  Usual Duomo, did not go in.  Nice shops.  Dinner at villa.
Corner of the Piazza del Campo, our tourist shop on the corner

Cathedral of Siena, Duomo at the back.  White pink and green marble

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